Terms & Conditions

Terms And Conditions

LAST UPDATED: July 25, 2023

You are legally bound by these terms and conditions (“Terms”) whenever you visit this website or use the kollywoodglam.com mobile app (together, the “Platform”). You are bound to comply with the Terms as they are in effect at the time of any modification we make to them. These Terms have superseded any other written agreement between us.

Your use of the Platform constitutes your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms, as well as your understanding of and obligation to comply with their provisions. Please do not use the Platform if you do not accept and agree to be bound by these Terms.

All policies, agreements, and disclaimers we may issue occasionally are also part of these agreements (“Additional Terms”). The Additional Terms shall take precedence over these Terms to the extent that they are inconsistent with one another.


As part of the Platform, kollywoodglam.com provides users with current events and news information as well as other related services, and users can access and see this content in real-time. Besides being subject to these Terms, you will also be governed by the terms of any extra features or functions that kollywoodglam.com offers (“Additional Services”). Some features and benefits of the different services may require the User to purchase them through the Platform. The Additional Service terms shall be controlled in the case of any inconsistency with these Terms.

Account Creation

It is necessary to register for an account to use the Platform fully. Your name and email address are among the details that could be requested when you sign up for an account. Another way users might create these accounts is by using third-party services’ “single sign-on” capability. For further information regarding Third Party Services, please refer to Clause 3 of these Terms. It is your exclusive responsibility to keep your login information and password secure. If you discover any unauthorized use of your login information or any other security violation, you must inform kollywoodglam.com immediately. By using this account, you accept full responsibility for any actions taken by others. Unauthorized access or use of such credentials is entirely beyond the control of kollywoodglam.com. The following are examples of the types of communications that you might expect to receive from kollywoodglam.com: (i) details about purchases made on the Platform; (ii) news and updates regarding kollywoodglam.com and the Platform; (iii) special offers and goods from kollywoodglam.com and its affiliates; and (iv) any other related information.

Third-Party Services

The one sign-on feature and any other services, documents, information, or content owned, licensed, or otherwise made accessible by a third party (“Third Party Services”) may be included on the Platform or linked to from it. Use of any Third Party Service is entirely at your own risk, and you agree that any liability for such Third Party Services rests with the respective third parties. Regarding the authenticity and completeness of such Third Party Services, kollywoodglam.com does not guarantee anything and disclaims all warranties and liabilities. In addition, the third parties whose services are referenced herein own all of the creative rights to that.

User Responsibilities

As of the date of your agreement to these Terms, you represent and guarantee that all information you submit or make accessible through or in connection to the Platform is full, accurate, and true. You further warrant that it will remain true in all respects. You agree to promptly notify kollywoodglam.com of any change to any information you have provided if it occurs while these Terms are in effect. If any details, documentation, data, or data you give to use the Platform is wrong, incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading, or if you omit to disclose any important fact, kollywoodglam.com will not be held liable for any harm or loss that you could experience. You accept full responsibility for your actions on the Platform and agree that you will not be held liable for any consequences that may result from your failure to comply with applicable laws. If kollywoodglam.com is subject to legal action arising from a violation of your representations, warranties, or obligations as outlined in these Terms, you agree to assist the company fully in defending itself. You are limited to using the Platform by these Terms. Without limiting the broadness of the preceding phrase, you may not: infringe any exclusive rights, including but not restricted to copyrights, patents, trademarks, or trade private information, of any party; except as may be provided below, copy, show, distribute, alter, publish, grow again, store, transmit, post, interpret, create any derived works from, or authorization the Platform; use the Platform to send any data or send or upload any substance that includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms, timebombs, keystroke lumberjacks, spyware, adware, or any other harmful programs or identical computer code created to seriously affect the operation of any computer systems software or hardware; use any robot, spider, other programmed device, or manual process to observe or copy the Platform or any part thereof; engage in the organized retrieval of content from the Platform to establish or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, gathering, database or directory; use the Platform in (A) any unconstitutional manner, (B) for forged or malicious operations, or (C) in any manner incompatible with these Terms; violate relevant laws in any manner; or host, display, upload, alter, publish, transmit, store, update or share any data that (A) belongs to another real life and to which you do not have any right; (B) is defamatory, profane, pornographic, paedophilic, invasive of other people’s privacy, including bodily confidentiality, demeaning or harassing on the basis of sex, libellous, ethnically or culturally unacceptable, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise incompatible with or contrary to the regulations in force; (C) is harmful to children; (D) violates any patent, trademark, intellectual property or other proprietary rights; (E) contravenes any law for the time being in force; (F) confuses or confuses the addressee about the creation of the message or knowingly and intentionally interacts any data which is patently false or deceptive in nature but may reasonably be viewed as a fact; (G) pretends to be another individual; (H) threatens the unity, honesty, defence, security or sovereignty of India, welcoming relations with foreign states, or visible order, or causes encouragement to the a fee of any cognisable crime or prevents inquiry of any offence or is insulting other nation; (I) includes malicious software or other computer code, files, or programs that can damage, erase, or restrict the operation of any computer asset; or (J) is obviously false and published in any way with the purpose to deceive, harass, or harm an individual, organization, or business for financial benefit or personal harm.


For the time being, kollywoodglam.com is not charging you to utilize the Platform. Additional Services, as described on the Platform, may incur charges from kollywoodglam.com.

Intellectual Property

kollywoodglam.com owns or has a valid license for all rights, titles, and interests in or to the Platform, including any intellectual property rights that may arise from the Platform. kollywoodglam.com now provides you a limited, non-exclusive, non -transferable, revocable license to enter and use the Platform in compliance with these Terms and any written instructions published from time to time. The license is not sub-licensable and cannot be transferred or assigned.

Everything from videos and information to contact details, photographs, and URLs—all of which may or may not have been authored by you—is fair game for submission or availability to kollywoodglam.com (“User Information”). The transfer of such User Data to kollywoodglam.com shall not infringe upon any third-party rights; furthermore, you attest that you possess all licenses, rights, titles, and consents required to provide kollywoodglam.com with such User Information.

In consideration of (a) providing Users with the Platform and (b) making User Information accessible on or in connection with kollywoodglam.com’s websites and other properties, the User hereby grants to kollywoodglam.com a royalty-free, perpetual, permanent, mutually exclusive, fully sublicensable right and license to copy, alter, display, distribute, execute, create derivative works from, store, and use and exploit all User Information, in any form via any media, software, or technology. No ownership title is being claimed or transferred by kollywoodglam.com concerning the User Information acquired from a User by these Terms.

kollywoodglam.com may periodically ask for or accept testimonials, ideas, and other forms of feedback (“Feedback”) regarding the Platform. Your trademarks are not infringed upon in any way by kollywoodglam.com, which is free to use, copy, disclose, release, display, distribute, and monetize the Feedback in any way they see fit, without compensation, acknowledgment, or approval. Nothing in these Terms, except as specifically indicated, shall grant or authorize any rights in or licenses to the intellectual property of kollywoodglam.com or any third party.

Term And Termination

Unless terminated as set out below, these Terms will continue in full force and effect. If you fail to fulfill any of your duties, commit any fraud, or otherwise violate these Terms, kollywoodglam.com has the right to immediately and unilaterally cancel your access to the Platform or any part of it. These Terms will end when terminated under Clause 7(b): you will no longer be able to use the Platform, and any clauses that are meant to survive or survive termination or expiration will survive, save for those that specifically say otherwise.

Disclaimers And Warranties

Your use of the Platform is completely risk-free. Using the Platform does not establish, impliedly or otherwise, any professional relationship or representation of any kind, including but not limited to a fiduciary duty, attorney-client relationship, participation, or any other type of relationship between you and kollywoodglam.com. Legal advice is not provided by the Platform. You should not consider any information provided by kollywoodglam.com or any of its employees, contractors, or other persons as legal advice; it is just for informative reasons.

The Platform is offered on an “as is” and “as available” basis, to the degree that this is allowed by law. kollywoodglam.com makes no promises about the reliability or timeliness of the Platform’s operations or that its features will fulfill your needs. Without prior notice, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently remove any feature of the Platform.

kollywoodglam.com hereby disclaims, to the greatest extent permitted by law, any warranties, express or implied, that may arise from the Platform, including but not limited to, title and non-infringement, merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, satisfactory workmanship, accuracy, applicability, usability, suitableness, and any other guarantees that may result from a course of efficiency, obviously of dealing, or application of trade.

kollywoodglam.com disclaims all responsibility and liability for any damages that may result from your utilization of the Platform, and you agree to personally compensate any such damages. kollywoodglam.com and its affiliated entities expressly deny any responsibility for any harm that may come from the following: your use or inability to use the Platform or User Information (including third-party services), the Platform’s operation or transmission of information (including defects, interruptions, or delays), communications failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorized access to kollywoodglam.com’s records, applications, services, server, or other facilities related to the Platform, or the Platform’s lack of availability for any given time. kollywoodglam.com and its affiliated parties are not liable for any indirect, accidental, special, consequential, or loss of revenue or profits that may arise from, be caused by, or be connected to these Terms or the Platform in any way, whether directly or indirectly. By using the Platform, you release kollywoodglam.com and its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, and all its officers, directors, employees, and agents from any claims, losses, harm, liabilities, costs, and causes of action to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Publishing and disseminating current events and news content is kollywoodglam.com’s primary goal. kollywoodglam.com does not do any due diligence on this, whether it be technical, fiscal, legal, or otherwise, and makes no guarantees or claims about it, save to the extent that this is required by law. No news or current event information on the Platform is reviewed or approved by kollywoodglam.com to ensure it is suitable for Users or meets their expectations. The veracity, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of such current events and news items are not guaranteed by kollywoodglam.com. You should only use the information and materials made available to you through the Platform for informational reasons. Do not base any decisions (commercial, legal, medical, financial, etc.) on such content or information. You are fully responsible for and should exercise caution when relying on such content or information. Do not act or refrain from acting based on information made accessible on the Platform without first obtaining professional or qualified advice.


Your use of the Platform, your breach of these Terms, or the infringement of these Terms by any third party using your account with kollywoodglam.com shall cause you to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless kollywoodglam.com, its parent businesses, subsidiaries, associates, and their officers, colleagues, replacements, assigns, licensors, staff members, directors, representatives, and representatives from and against any complaint, request, lawsuit, a judicial proceeding, loss, liability, damages, and costs (including, but not limited to, from all damages, obligations, communities, costs, and attorneys’ fees). The amount that kollywoodglam.com can be held financially responsible for you is INR 1000.

Consent To Use Information

kollywoodglam.com’s privacy policy, which can be found at www.kollywoodglam.com/convergence/kollywoodglam.com/new/privacy_policy.aspx, governs the collection and processing of user data. You give kollywoodglam.com permission to use and collect any information you provide, including technical data and any information that is related to it. To make the Platform even better, kollywoodglam.com may analyze data and information about your Platform use for the aim of identifying patterns, improving the Platform, and making it more efficient. Law enforcement agencies, the government, or associated entities may request that kollywoodglam.com divulge User data in criminal proceedings, provided that this request is made by existing legislation. By using this service, you permit kollywoodglam.com to share your information with government entities.


kollywoodglam.com may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice or explanation, add to, change, or remove the Platform (or any portion thereof) from the market at any moment. If the Platform is expanded, altered, suspended, or discontinued, the Platform will not be held responsible.

Dispute Resolution, Governing Law,

And Jurisdiction The laws of India shall govern the terms and their interpretation and enforcement. Any dispute relating to these Terms or your usage of the Platform must be resolved exclusively by the courts located in India unless otherwise provided in this Clause.

The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as it is currently in effect, is presumed to be included by reference in this Clause, and it provides that any controversy, conflict, dispute, or disagreement arising out of these Terms shall be handled by arbitration in the U.S. We will appoint one arbitrator to serve on the panel. The arbitration will be conducted in English. Unless compelled to do so by law, both parties to the adjudication shall maintain the confidentiality of the arbitration and shall not reveal it to any third party. The arbitrator’s ruling will be final and enforceable against all parties. Expenses related to any dispute will be borne by both parties to the arbitration.

Miscellaneous Provisions

Changes to Terms: kollywoodglam.com may, in its sole discretion, alter these Terms or impose new or additional restrictions on the use of the Website at any moment. Any changes or new terms and conditions will be notified to you. Your refusal to comply with such changes will result in the termination of these Terms.

Resolving Complaints:

Please feel free to email our grievance resolution officer at the following address with any questions or concerns you may have about the Platform:

Name: Nikhil Guliani Designation: Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer Email Address: [email protected]

The remaining sections of these Terms will remain in force if a court or another appropriate body finds any provision to be invalid or unenforceable. If a portion of an unenforceable or unlawful provision could be deleted without impacting the remainder of the provision, then only that portion will be deleted. However, if doing so would go against the explicit intent of the clause, then the entire pertinent section will be deleted.

You are not allowed to transfer, assign, license, or sell any of your rights, responsibilities, or obligations under these Terms in any way without the written agreement of kollywoodglam.com. This consent can be granted or withheld by kollywoodglam.com at any time and under any conditions it sees fit. You are not notified in advance when kollywoodglam.com may, without your consent, assign its entitlements to any of its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, or successors in the interest of any business linked to the Platform.

Except for standard operating communications, all notices, inquiries, demands, and decisions about kollywoodglam.com within these Terms must be directed to [email protected]. No other party shall have the authority to enforce any of the terms or conditions set out herein.

Waiver: The failure to execute any right or remedy under the Terms, due to any delay, does not mean that the right or remedy has been waived.

If kollywoodglam.com is unable to fulfill our obligations or conduct our business as usual due to circumstances beyond our control, such as, but not limited to, strikes, labor disputes, utility or telecommunications network failure, acts of God, war, riot, civil chaos, malicious harm, or compliance with any law, regulation, or direction, we will not be held liable to you.

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